All Information About Arethi Gram Panchayat
Grampanchayat Details: Arethi
The Arethi Grampanchayat is an administrative unit in the state of Gujarat, located in the Dediapada Tehsil of Narmada District. This page provides comprehensive details about the Grampanchayat, its wards, population, and the villages under its jurisdiction.
Grampanchayat Information
District: Narmada
Zilla Parishad: Read about Narmada District Panchayat
Subdistrict: Dediapada
Panchayat Samiti:Dediapada
Subdistrict Census 2011 Code: 3911
Population as per Census 2011
Total Population: 2433
Literate Population: 1013
Illiterate Population: 1420
Gram Panchayat Profile
Gram Panchayat Profile Not Found
Villages in Arethi Grampanchayat
The Grampanchayat is divided into several wards for effective local governance. Below are the details: