All Information About Jashanpur Gram Panchayat
Grampanchayat Details: Jashanpur
The Jashanpur Grampanchayat is an administrative unit in the state of Gujarat, located in the Talod Tehsil of Sabar-kantha District. This page provides comprehensive details about the Grampanchayat, its wards, population, and the villages under its jurisdiction.
Grampanchayat Information
District: Sabar-kantha
Zilla Parishad: Read about Sabar-kantha District Panchayat
Subdistrict: Talod
Panchayat Samiti:Talod
Subdistrict Census 2011 Code: 3768
Population as per Census 2011
Total Population: 2715
Literate Population: 1875
Illiterate Population: 840
Gram Panchayat Profile
Gram Panchayat Profile Not Found
Villages in Jashanpur Grampanchayat
The Grampanchayat is divided into several wards for effective local governance. Below are the details: