All Information About Rakhala (14) Village of gidderbaha , sri-muktsar-sahib District

Rakhala (14) - (Rural)

A Rural village in Gidderbaha, Sri-muktsar-sahib, Punjab

Total Population




Literacy Rate


Location Map


Gender Distribution

Males 1,301
Females 1,173

Children (0-6 years)

Boys 182
Girls 143
Total children: 325 (13.1% of population)

Education & Employment

Literacy Statistics

Literate Population


Males: 768 | Females: 533
Illiterate Population


Males: 533 | Females: 640

Employment Status

Total Workers


Main Workers


Marginal Workers


Social Categories

SC/ST Population and Quick Facts

Scheduled Castes


Males: 507 | Females: 473

Scheduled Tribes


Males: 0 | Females: 0
  • Village Category: Rural
  • LGD Code: 35352
  • Sex Ratio: 902 females per 1000 males

Assembly Constituency Information

Constituency Information

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Administrative Details

State Punjab
District Sri-muktsar-sahib
Tehsil/Taluka Gidderbaha
Census Code (2011) 35352
Gram Panchayat Rukhala
Postal Code 152031

Frequently Asked Questions about Gidderbaha

Rakhala (14) is a Rural village located in Gidderbaha, Sri-muktsar-sahib, Punjab.

The total population of Rakhala (14) is 2,474.

Rakhala (14) village comprises 462 households.

The literacy rate in Rakhala (14) is 60.5%. Among the literate population of 1,301, there are 768 literate males and 533 literate females.

In Rakhala (14), there are 1,301 males and 1,173 females, with a sex ratio of 902 females per 1000 males.

There are 325 children (13.1% of population), comprising 182 boys and 143 girls.

The total number of workers in Rakhala (14) is 993, with 839 main workers and 154 marginal workers.

In Rakhala (14), there are 980 people belonging to Scheduled Castes (507 males, 473 females) and 0 people belonging to Scheduled Tribes (0 males, 0 females).

Rakhala (14) is located in Punjab state, Sri-muktsar-sahib district, and falls under Gidderbaha Tehsil. The village's Census 2011 code is 35352 and LGD code is 35352.