All Information About Salempur Tiara Village of jakhania , ghazipur District

Salempur Tiara - (Rural)

A Rural village in Jakhania, Ghazipur, Uttar-pradesh

Total Population




Literacy Rate


Location Map


Gender Distribution

Males 267
Females 239

Children (0-6 years)

Boys 37
Girls 34
Total children: 71 (14% of population)

Education & Employment

Literacy Statistics

Literate Population


Males: 185 | Females: 113
Illiterate Population


Males: 82 | Females: 126

Employment Status

Total Workers


Main Workers


Marginal Workers


Social Categories

SC/ST Population and Quick Facts

Scheduled Castes


Males: 0 | Females: 0

Scheduled Tribes


Males: 0 | Females: 0
  • Village Category: Rural
  • LGD Code: 203787
  • Sex Ratio: 895 females per 1000 males

Assembly Constituency Information

Constituency Information

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Administrative Details

State Uttar-pradesh
District Ghazipur
Tehsil/Taluka Jakhania
Census Code (2011) 203787
Gram Panchayat Nasirpur
Postal Code 275203

Frequently Asked Questions about Jakhania

Salempur Tiara is a Rural village located in Jakhania, Ghazipur, Uttar-pradesh.

The total population of Salempur Tiara is 506.

Salempur Tiara village comprises 74 households.

The literacy rate in Salempur Tiara is 68.5%. Among the literate population of 298, there are 185 literate males and 113 literate females.

In Salempur Tiara, there are 267 males and 239 females, with a sex ratio of 895 females per 1000 males.

There are 71 children (14% of population), comprising 37 boys and 34 girls.

The total number of workers in Salempur Tiara is 246, with 239 main workers and 7 marginal workers.

Social category data is not available for Salempur Tiara.

Salempur Tiara is located in Uttar-pradesh state, Ghazipur district, and falls under Jakhania Tehsil. The village's Census 2011 code is 203787 and LGD code is 203787.