Parliamentary Constituencies of Mizoram State / Union Territory


Mizoram, a key state in India, has a well-established legislative framework to govern its population and economy. Below is a list of 1 Parliamentary Constituencies alongwith 40 Assembly Constituencies of Mizoram State / Union Territory.

Mizoram's Parliamentry Constituencies (संसदीय क्षेत्र)

Structure and Composition

The Mizoram Lok Sabha (House of the People) represents the parliamentary constituencies of the state. It consists of 1 elected representatives (MPs), with members chosen directly by the people through general elections held every five years.

Functions of the Lok Sabha

The Lok Sabha plays a vital role in the nation's governance. Its primary responsibilities include:

  • Legislation: Drafting, debating, and enacting laws that apply to the entire nation, including Mizoram.
  • Budget Approval: Reviewing and approving the Union Budget, which outlines national expenditure and revenue.
  • Oversight: Ensuring accountability of the executive branch through questions, debates, and parliamentary committees.
  • Representation: Advocating for the interests of the people in the state and ensuring they are reflected in national policies.

List of Parliamentary Constituencies