All Information About Muddebihal Subdistrict

Detailed information about Muddebihal Subdistrict or Tehsil/Taluka

Muddebihal is one of the Tehsils (also referred to as Talukas) in the Vijayapura District of Karnataka State.

Administrative Overview

Tehsil Name Muddebihal - ಮುದ್ದೇಬಿಹಾಳ
Tehsil Code 5453
District Vijayapura
Census Code 2011 5453
Number of Grampanchayats 22
Number of Villages 106

Assembly and Parliament Details

Parliamentary Constituency Vijayapura (Code: 460)
Assembly Constituency Muddebihal (Code: 3522)
MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) of Muddebihal Appaji. Aliyas. Channabasavaraj. S/o Shankarao. Nadagouda. ( 2023)
Next Assembly Election 2028

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Muddebihal Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 290,691
M: 146,459
F: 144,232
Rural 224,781
M: 113,331
F: 111,450
Urban 65,910
M: 33,128
F: 32,782
General Information

Number of Households: 53,544

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 290,691 (Male: 146,459, Female: 144,232)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 41,574 (Male: 21,333, Female: 20,241)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 56,846 (Male: 28,642, Female: 28,204)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 9,608 (Male: 4,822, Female: 4,786)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 170,665 (Male: 100,841, Female: 69,824)

Illiterate Population

Total: 120,026 (Male: 45,618, Female: 74,408)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 127,611 (Male: 77,878, Female: 49,733)

Main Workers

Total: 100,987 (Male: 66,341, Female: 34,646)

Marginal Workers

Total: 26,624 (Male: 11,537, Female: 15,087)


Total: 163,080 (Male: 68,581, Female: 94,499)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 27,188 (Male: 21,861, Female: 5,327)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 34,315 (Male: 15,244, Female: 19,071)
  • Household Industry Workers: 3,583 (Male: 2,124, Female: 1,459)
  • Other Workers: 35,901 (Male: 27,112, Female: 8,789)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 2,049 (Male: 1,112, Female: 937)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 13,608 (Male: 4,315, Female: 9,293)
  • Household Industry Workers: 1,598 (Male: 576, Female: 1,022)
  • Other Workers: 9,369 (Male: 5,534, Female: 3,835)

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Muddebihal Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 290,691
M: 146,459
F: 144,232
Rural 224,781
M: 113,331
F: 111,450
Urban 65,910
M: 33,128
F: 32,782
General Information

Number of Households: 53,544

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 290,691 (Male: 146,459, Female: 144,232)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 41,574 (Male: 21,333, Female: 20,241)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 56,846 (Male: 28,642, Female: 28,204)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 9,608 (Male: 4,822, Female: 4,786)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 170,665 (Male: 100,841, Female: 69,824)

Illiterate Population

Total: 120,026 (Male: 45,618, Female: 74,408)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 127,611 (Male: 77,878, Female: 49,733)

Main Workers

Total: 100,987 (Male: 66,341, Female: 34,646)

Marginal Workers

Total: 26,624 (Male: 11,537, Female: 15,087)


Total: 163,080 (Male: 68,581, Female: 94,499)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 27,188 (Male: 21,861, Female: 5,327)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 34,315 (Male: 15,244, Female: 19,071)
  • Household Industry Workers: 3,583 (Male: 2,124, Female: 1,459)
  • Other Workers: 35,901 (Male: 27,112, Female: 8,789)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 2,049 (Male: 1,112, Female: 937)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 13,608 (Male: 4,315, Female: 9,293)
  • Household Industry Workers: 1,598 (Male: 576, Female: 1,022)
  • Other Workers: 9,369 (Male: 5,534, Female: 3,835)

Grampanchayat List of Muddebihal Tehsil/Taluka

Muddebihal Tehsil comprises 22 Gram Panchayats and 106 villages. Below is a list of Gram Panchayats within Muddebihal. You can explore detailed profiles of each Gram Panchayat, including village-wise populations and governance structures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Muddebihal

Muddebihal is located in the Vijayapura District of Karnataka State, India.

Muddebihal Tehsil has 106 villages.

Muddebihal has a total of 22 Gram Panchayats.

The total population of Muddebihal is 290,691.

In Muddebihal, there are 146,459 males and 144,232 females.

There are 41,574 children in Muddebihal, comprising 21,333 males and 20,241 females.

In Muddebihal, the literate population is 170,665 (100,841 males and 69,824 females). The illiterate population is 120,026 (45,618 males and 74,408 females).