All Information About Balapur Subdistrict

Detailed information about Balapur Subdistrict or Tehsil/Taluka

Balapur is one of the Tehsils (also referred to as Talukas) in the Ranga Reddy District of Telangana State.

Administrative Overview

Tehsil Name Balapur - బాలాపూర్
Tehsil Code 6323
District Ranga Reddy
Census Code 2011 0
Number of Grampanchayats 0
Number of Villages 8

Assembly and Parliament Details

Parliamentary Constituency Malkajgiri (Code: 431)
Assembly Constituency Lal Bahadur Nagar (Code: 3307)
MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) of Lal Bahadur Nagar Devireddy Sudhir Reddy ( 2023)
Next Assembly Election 2028

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Balapur Tehsil:

Population Type Total

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Balapur Tehsil:

Population Type Total

Grampanchayat List of Balapur Tehsil/Taluka

Balapur Tehsil comprises 0 Gram Panchayats and 8 villages. Below is a list of Gram Panchayats within Balapur. You can explore detailed profiles of each Gram Panchayat, including village-wise populations and governance structures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Balapur

No frequently asked questions are available at this time.