All Information About Tufanganj - I Subdistrict

Detailed information about Tufanganj - I Subdistrict or Tehsil/Taluka

Tufanganj - I is one of the Tehsils (also referred to as Talukas) in the Cooch Behar District of West bengal State.

Administrative Overview

Tehsil Name Tufanganj - I -
Tehsil Code 2185
District Cooch Behar
Census Code 2011 2185
Number of Grampanchayats 14
Number of Villages 73

Assembly and Parliament Details

Parliamentary Constituency Alipurduars (Code: 217)
Assembly Constituency Tufanganj (Code: 1853)
MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) of Tufanganj Malati Rava Roy ( 2021)
Next Assembly Election 2026

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Tufanganj - I Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 248,595
M: 128,415
F: 120,180
Rural 243,256
M: 125,672
F: 117,584
Urban 5,339
M: 2,743
F: 2,596
General Information

Number of Households: 60,433

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 248,595 (Male: 128,415, Female: 120,180)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 29,090 (Male: 15,006, Female: 14,084)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 115,000 (Male: 59,290, Female: 55,710)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 378 (Male: 208, Female: 170)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 161,744 (Male: 90,476, Female: 71,268)

Illiterate Population

Total: 86,851 (Male: 37,939, Female: 48,912)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 100,657 (Male: 76,376, Female: 24,281)

Main Workers

Total: 77,525 (Male: 66,132, Female: 11,393)

Marginal Workers

Total: 23,132 (Male: 10,244, Female: 12,888)


Total: 147,938 (Male: 52,039, Female: 95,899)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 21,992 (Male: 20,770, Female: 1,222)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 25,181 (Male: 21,440, Female: 3,741)
  • Household Industry Workers: 6,543 (Male: 3,534, Female: 3,009)
  • Other Workers: 23,809 (Male: 20,388, Female: 3,421)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 2,864 (Male: 1,310, Female: 1,554)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 9,995 (Male: 4,848, Female: 5,147)
  • Household Industry Workers: 3,464 (Male: 715, Female: 2,749)
  • Other Workers: 6,809 (Male: 3,371, Female: 3,438)

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Tufanganj - I Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 248,595
M: 128,415
F: 120,180
Rural 243,256
M: 125,672
F: 117,584
Urban 5,339
M: 2,743
F: 2,596
General Information

Number of Households: 60,433

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 248,595 (Male: 128,415, Female: 120,180)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 29,090 (Male: 15,006, Female: 14,084)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 115,000 (Male: 59,290, Female: 55,710)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 378 (Male: 208, Female: 170)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 161,744 (Male: 90,476, Female: 71,268)

Illiterate Population

Total: 86,851 (Male: 37,939, Female: 48,912)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 100,657 (Male: 76,376, Female: 24,281)

Main Workers

Total: 77,525 (Male: 66,132, Female: 11,393)

Marginal Workers

Total: 23,132 (Male: 10,244, Female: 12,888)


Total: 147,938 (Male: 52,039, Female: 95,899)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 21,992 (Male: 20,770, Female: 1,222)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 25,181 (Male: 21,440, Female: 3,741)
  • Household Industry Workers: 6,543 (Male: 3,534, Female: 3,009)
  • Other Workers: 23,809 (Male: 20,388, Female: 3,421)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 2,864 (Male: 1,310, Female: 1,554)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 9,995 (Male: 4,848, Female: 5,147)
  • Household Industry Workers: 3,464 (Male: 715, Female: 2,749)
  • Other Workers: 6,809 (Male: 3,371, Female: 3,438)

Grampanchayat List of Tufanganj - I Tehsil/Taluka

Tufanganj - I Tehsil comprises 14 Gram Panchayats and 73 villages. Below is a list of Gram Panchayats within Tufanganj - I. You can explore detailed profiles of each Gram Panchayat, including village-wise populations and governance structures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tufanganj - I

Tufanganj - I is located in the Cooch Behar District of West bengal State, India.

Tufanganj - I Tehsil has 73 villages.

Tufanganj - I has a total of 14 Gram Panchayats.

The total population of Tufanganj - I is 248,595.

In Tufanganj - I, there are 128,415 males and 120,180 females.

There are 29,090 children in Tufanganj - I, comprising 15,006 males and 14,084 females.

In Tufanganj - I, the literate population is 161,744 (90,476 males and 71,268 females). The illiterate population is 86,851 (37,939 males and 48,912 females).