All Information About Harischandrapur - I Subdistrict

Detailed information about Harischandrapur - I Subdistrict or Tehsil/Taluka

Harischandrapur - I is one of the Tehsils (also referred to as Talukas) in the Malda District of West bengal State.

Administrative Overview

Tehsil Name Harischandrapur - I -
Tehsil Code 2208
District Malda
Census Code 2011 2208
Number of Grampanchayats 7
Number of Villages 105

Assembly and Parliament Details

Parliamentary Constituency Maldaha Uttar (Code: 249)
Assembly Constituency Chanchal (Code: 2071)
MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) of Chanchal Nihar Ranjan Ghosh ( 2021)
Next Assembly Election 2026

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Harischandrapur - I Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 199,493
M: 103,183
F: 96,310
Rural 199,493
M: 103,183
F: 96,310
Urban 0
M: 0
F: 0
General Information

Number of Households: 44,284

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 199,493 (Male: 103,183, Female: 96,310)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 30,662 (Male: 15,688, Female: 14,974)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 49,069 (Male: 25,346, Female: 23,723)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 4,142 (Male: 2,112, Female: 2,030)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 88,591 (Male: 50,196, Female: 38,395)

Illiterate Population

Total: 110,902 (Male: 52,987, Female: 57,915)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 70,153 (Male: 56,254, Female: 13,899)

Main Workers

Total: 51,908 (Male: 45,767, Female: 6,141)

Marginal Workers

Total: 18,245 (Male: 10,487, Female: 7,758)


Total: 129,340 (Male: 46,929, Female: 82,411)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 13,170 (Male: 12,381, Female: 789)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 26,011 (Male: 22,909, Female: 3,102)
  • Household Industry Workers: 1,335 (Male: 865, Female: 470)
  • Other Workers: 11,392 (Male: 9,612, Female: 1,780)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 1,517 (Male: 1,102, Female: 415)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 12,160 (Male: 7,190, Female: 4,970)
  • Household Industry Workers: 684 (Male: 296, Female: 388)
  • Other Workers: 3,884 (Male: 1,899, Female: 1,985)

Population and Demographics (2011 Census)

The 2011 Census provides the following insights into the population of Harischandrapur - I Tehsil:

Population Type Total
Total 199,493
M: 103,183
F: 96,310
Rural 199,493
M: 103,183
F: 96,310
Urban 0
M: 0
F: 0
General Information

Number of Households: 44,284

Population Statistics
Population Distribution

Total: 199,493 (Male: 103,183, Female: 96,310)

Children (0-6 years)

Total: 30,662 (Male: 15,688, Female: 14,974)

Scheduled Castes (SC)

Total: 49,069 (Male: 25,346, Female: 23,723)

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Total: 4,142 (Male: 2,112, Female: 2,030)

Literacy Statistics
Literate Population

Total: 88,591 (Male: 50,196, Female: 38,395)

Illiterate Population

Total: 110,902 (Male: 52,987, Female: 57,915)

Employment and Work Classification

Work Classification
Total Workers

Total: 70,153 (Male: 56,254, Female: 13,899)

Main Workers

Total: 51,908 (Male: 45,767, Female: 6,141)

Marginal Workers

Total: 18,245 (Male: 10,487, Female: 7,758)


Total: 129,340 (Male: 46,929, Female: 82,411)

Detailed Work Classification
Main Workers
  • Cultivators: 13,170 (Male: 12,381, Female: 789)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 26,011 (Male: 22,909, Female: 3,102)
  • Household Industry Workers: 1,335 (Male: 865, Female: 470)
  • Other Workers: 11,392 (Male: 9,612, Female: 1,780)
Marginal Workers
  • Cultivators: 1,517 (Male: 1,102, Female: 415)
  • Agricultural Laborers: 12,160 (Male: 7,190, Female: 4,970)
  • Household Industry Workers: 684 (Male: 296, Female: 388)
  • Other Workers: 3,884 (Male: 1,899, Female: 1,985)

Grampanchayat List of Harischandrapur - I Tehsil/Taluka

Harischandrapur - I Tehsil comprises 7 Gram Panchayats and 105 villages. Below is a list of Gram Panchayats within Harischandrapur - I. You can explore detailed profiles of each Gram Panchayat, including village-wise populations and governance structures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Harischandrapur - I

Harischandrapur - I is located in the Malda District of West bengal State, India.

Harischandrapur - I Tehsil has 105 villages.

Harischandrapur - I has a total of 7 Gram Panchayats.

The total population of Harischandrapur - I is 199,493.

In Harischandrapur - I, there are 103,183 males and 96,310 females.

There are 30,662 children in Harischandrapur - I, comprising 15,688 males and 14,974 females.

In Harischandrapur - I, the literate population is 88,591 (50,196 males and 38,395 females). The illiterate population is 110,902 (52,987 males and 57,915 females).